Oral Surgery - Wisdom Tooth Extraction

 Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Wisdom Tooth is the tooth that cannot rise to the normal position, or can only partially rise to the position. It is most likely to occur with the last molar teeth, found in the people 18 years and older. The cause of wisdom tooth can be because it is blocked by the adjacent teeth, thick layer or bone or gum covering the tooth until it cannot grow rising. In some patients, the wisdom tooth is invisible so oral x-ray needs to be taken to determine whether a patient has wisdom teeth. However, if the last molar tooth can grow to the normal position and direction, not causing any problem and can be cleaned well, there is no need to remove the tooth.

The proper age for wisdom tooth removal is between 16 – 25 years of age, because it will cause less impact as the tooth root hasn’t fully developed the jaw bones are not as thick and the cure of the wound can be easy. The reason why wisdom tooth must be operated or extracted, even prior to any symptoms is because if left untreated, they can cause several problems as follows.

1. Due to the wisdom tooth thrusting to rise through the jaws but the adjacent tooth are in the way of it, making a back pressure to the jaw nerves, thus causing pain and sometimes affecting the other areas of face such as ears or headache, etc.
2. Wisdom tooth is pushing against its adjacent tooth, aligning in an abnormal position and direction which usually leave a gap for food particles to be stuck. In this case, wisdom tooth operation is considered to prevent it from causing adjacent tooth decay.
3. Gingivitis occurs due to food residue under the gum that covers the tooth which is a source of bacteria that is difficult to clean. This makes it easy to cause gingivitis and gum swelling.
4. Problems with periodontal diseases may occur because of wisdom teeth causing a greater loss of bone, resulting in periodontal diseases of the adjacent teeth.
5. The pressure of wisdom tooth is enough to push the adjacent teeth, which will affect the next teeth twist and move. This is why most dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth before orthodontics treatment.
6. Wisdom tooth can cause infection which usually cause swelling in the jaws, cheeks, chin, or underneath the tongue and may result in limited mouth openings.
7. Wisdom tooth has the potential to cause cyst in jawbones. As a result, the face or jaw can become larger on one side.

Wisdom tooth operation can be done under local anesthesia. Each operation takes approximately 15 to 45 minutes depending on the difficulty and the readiness of the patient. But in case that patient is afraid and cannot cooperate, the operation may be done under general anesthesia which the dentist will determine it case by case. In general, the dentist will recommend removing the opposite occlusal tooth at the same time. Wisdom tooth is preventable, treatable and the complications are minimal if the patient sees the dentist at the right time.